1.>copy weblogic.jar in the
weblogic.jar can be found in following directory of weblogic installation
2.>Change Server.xml
It can be found in following location
Add the property 'environment-naming-url-factory-enabled="true"' in the
server.xml config file for your instance for any application that includes weblogic.jar from WebLogic 9.x
So your server.xml should look like this after making the changes
schema-major-version="10" schema-minor-version="0"
3.>Add connection factory properties in your oc4j-ra.xml as per examples given below
a)FOr queue
b)For Topic
Now we have some unknown properties over here
3>port number
We will take each of them one by one.
By default the connection factory in a weblogic is xa enabled.
To verify this Go to your JMSModule
Select the connection factory
Click on Transaction tab
Click on lock and edit tab on left most tab and uncheck the xa transaction
SAve the changes and restart the server.YOu need to start your managed server.
so now the transaction is non xa.
Now the conenction factory which have enabled for non -xa we have to choose the jndi name of that particular connection factory as the global-jndi name of connection factory
It is obvously the server name or you can also use the ip address for the server.
3>port number
This is confusing.We have to use the port number for managed server and nor Admin server.It is very common question as we are creating the queues in admin server then why we are using the managed server port number.The reason is that if you will choose the target for that queue/connection factory it is managed server only so the port number will be the managed server port number.
It will be the user name with which you log in to weblogic console.
Same for passsword.
so once these steps are comleted all the configuration steps are completed.
now we will go ahead and deploy a simple process from jdeveloper.
How we create a connection with weblogic in jdeveloper i have already covered in my very first post.
So now we will check what all parameters are required in jdeveloper to successfully deploy this process.
We always come across one common issue in jms adapter i.e.
The Adapter Framework was unable to establish an outbound JCA connection due to the following issue: ORABPEL-12141
Unable to instantiate connection factory. JMS adapter was unable to look up the connection factor NotificationSenderQueueConnectionFactory neither through JNDI nor instantiate it as a Java class
nested exception is:
Adapter Framework unable to create outbound JCA connection.
If you will follow all the steps as per mentioned you can avoid these errors and finally see your message in JMS queue.