Set the File adapter to process files based on their creation date/time:-
First of all you need to apply patch 6445656 -ALLOW FILE PROCESSING BY CREATION DATE
Now in the WSDL of the file adapter set the following
to sort the files in ascending order
to sort the files in descending orders.
You also need to model your bpel process.
Make the BPel process a synchronous process and
Set Number of threads in bpel/system/services/config/ to "1"
This setting will allow the files to be sorted as per their date/time stamp.
This feature has been added as a feature in MLR#14 onwards
If you want to use the same feature in FTP adapter you need to do some extra settings.
In the inbound activation you need to set useNlst="true"
This parameter tells the adapter to use LIST command to get filenames in a list. Thus the adapter can capture the tiemstamp, size information during the inbound listing.
So your entry should look like this
Here again you need to Edit file SOA_HOME\bpel\system\services\config\ and change
If you are using ESB you need to edit file SOA_HOME\integration\esb\config\
If you don't have this property file you can just reanme the to and make the changes there
Controlling the name of the Archieved file in FTP adapter :-
The FTP adapter by defalut add the timestamp to the file created so that if the ftp adapter is creating a file of same name it can be distinguished easily from the previous file.
You need to model your bpel process,Make it as a synchronous bpel process
Use synchronous read feature to read the file and then move it to the archive folder
use the header mechanism to use the same file name
In order for a FTP adapter to move file to remote archive directory, specify
UseRemoteArchive="true" in the adapter wsdl (as an attribute of the jca:operation)
Deploy your process.
The date format for the XML element that has to be used with file adapter should be in the following format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss
Obtain the size of files
In the file|FTPAdapterInboundHeader.wsdl make an entry for size
<element name="InboundFileHeaderType">
<element name="Name of FIle" type="string"/>
<element name="Directory of file" type="string"/>
<element name="Size of file" type="string"/>
Now Create a variable to read the size element published from the inbound and assign it to some output variable to display the result.
configure number of threads for file/ftp adapter
FOR bpel SOA_HOME\bpel\system\service\config. Set the value for oracle.tip.adapter.file.numProcessorThreads in file. By default, it is set to 4.
For esb rename SOA_HOME\integration\esb\config\ to Set the value for oracle.tip.adapter.file.numProcessorThreads.