Thursday, May 07, 2015

Calling a Fusion Apps web service from SOA/OSB

Now a days more and more customers are going to Fusion applications and that required integrating your existing sytem with Fusion application web services. Most of the blogs and documents talk about the integration required but they do not capture the essential details that is required to by pass the security layer of Fusion apps web service and call them. In this blog i will try to call a Fusion apps web service from OSB with all the configuration details.

There are few important things that needs to be taken care of while trying to call a Fusion apps web service.

First is that fusion apps web services are SSL secured what it means is the web services are not accessible over http but over https . So in order to call these services from Weblogic server the first thing is that you should import the certificate to the keystore of weblogic server.

Keystore in simple languague is a location where all the client certificates are stored. Keytool is used to import client certificates to the keystore.

So lets try to get the client certificate first and try to import the certificates.

Open the WSDL file in a browser

End point url for REST services in SOA !2c

A lot of my friends were confused about how to find the end point url for a REST service.

So i just thought to put a small document on the same.

Go to your Jdeveloper

Go to your REST service select the operation and edit it.

Once you will click on edit button you will get an option to generate a sample uri for the rest service as shown below

you will get the end point url format that needs to be used to call this service as shown below

Now here host will be the server name

Port will be the osb server port, Please be careful admin server runs on a different port than osb server so make sure you are using the correct port.

You can login to admin server and check on which port OSB server is running. For Integrated weblogic server the port for osb server will be same as admin server.

then proxy-uri is the URI that you can find in the transport protocol of your proxy service.

In order to find it double click on the proxy service and go to the transport tab there you will get the proxy-uri