Saturday, July 02, 2011

Single Threaded Model in File/FTP adapter

I am using the following reference document for my test.
By default a thread is created for each inbound file.So if you are sending 5 input file basically 5 threads will be created.This scenario is good if you are processing multiple file with large number of recors as you will get the output for each input file sequentially.

This is the general scenario but you can change it by using either single thread model or partitioned thread model.

A single thread model allow to process all the files in a single thread.The downside of this approach is that this is time consuming.If you are processing a batch of file with millions of records then single thread model will cause un-necessary delay in such scenario.

Similarly you can use Partitioned Threaded Model to process the number of thread to be used.This could be useful when you want to process your records in a batch of some particualr number.

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