Set up Oracle XE
Download the RCU for the required version of OSB
Run RCU.bat
Extend your domain to include the em and owsm.
Run config.cmd
Since I already have a domain I will extend it for OWSM
Now start weblogic server
Now log in to admin console, sb console and em console and verify if you are able to log in to all of them.
Now log in to your osb console.
Create a new session and go to any of the proxy service and click on policy tab
Choose the policy binding and click on add
Choose the following policy and say submit
IT should get updated in the list of policies
Update the policy activate the service and test the service ,This time you will get the following error
Now we will configure a user and attach it with a keystore
Log into your em console.
Select your domain and then choose security provider configuration.
Now weblogic uses a default keystore that we will use at our end.
Click on the configure button next to keystore
Provide the following details and say ok
Now go to OSB console go to security configuration tab and click on user
Create a new user-specify user name and password.
Now again go to the em console.
Select your domain-go to security credentials
Create a Key
Provide some key name and the user and password that you have created in osb console.
Save it and restart your server.
Now start your server again and test the service you will get a screen like this.
Now test this service first without passing any value
It will fail with following error message
Now again test this service passing the Override value as “SecureKey”
Now test this service and this should be calling the service successfully.
Unfortunately this is not working at my end as I have created my own keystore default-keystore.jks.
However the basic functionality of calling this web service from outside is achieved making following changes.
Go back to you proxy service go to Security enable the process WS-Security Header
Now test the web service from em console using the wsdl
Initially I am testing it without any security header.
So it is failing with following error
I will test it once again passing the header
And this time I am able to invoke the service successfully
In order to fix this issue.
1>Configure the keystore and then restart the server.
2>Now create a key in em console using the same user and password as you have created in osb console
Small hint on creating keystore
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias orakey -keypass welcome1 -keystore default-keystore.jks -storepass welcome1 -validity 3600
don’t change the default keystore.
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