Tuesday, July 14, 2015

XML-20129: (Error) Namespace prefix 'wsp' used but not declared.

I was trying to call a secured service from SOA , I added the Ws policies in Jdevloper

passed the user name and password in composite.xml and tried to compile the project and i got below error in compilation

Error(35,59): : XML-20129: (Error) Namespace prefix 'wsp' used but not declared.
Error(35,59): : XML-20129: (Error) Namespace prefix 'orawsp' used but not declared.

The reason for this error was that some how the namespace was not declared for the policies

the actual policies files were using these two namespace prefix

wsp:PolicyReference URI="oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy"

To resolve this issue i added the following two namespace declaration in the composite and i was able to compile and deploy the project


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