Sunday, April 10, 2011

How to create partition in soa suite 11g.

In SOA suite 10g we were having concept of creating separate domains to separate the applications for different domain,In soa suite 11g we do not have the concept of creating a domain however we have something different that is called as creating partition,which is used to separte the box where you can deploy your process.It will be more clear with the following exercise.

Open a command prompt and set your JAVA_HOME,ORACLE_HOME and ANT_HOME as shown below.

Now go the your ORACLE_SOA home/bin folder and execute the following command

ant -f ant-sca-mgmt.xml createPartition -Dhost=localhost -Dport="managed server port" -Duser=weblogic -Dpassword=welcome1 -Dpartition="name of partition"

Verify if it is completed ,It should show a success message as shown below

Now just log in to em console and you can see a new partition is created called "ankit" now you can deploy your process to this new partition.

now if you will right click on soa-infra you will get an extra option that is manage partition which otherwise you will not get in a default installation.Click on that and you can list down the partition can now create new partition from console itself.

Now if you will try to deploy a process from jdeverloper you will get two option in the list of partition as a drop down to select the partition you wanted to deploy your project or you can also deploy the sar file directly to the partition from the em console.

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