Thursday, April 24, 2014

Working with Multiple Roles in BPMN- Reassign roles

We have seen example earlier of an end to end flow in BPMN , we have seen a single role but in this exercise we will try to see use of multiple roles and how it can used in BPMN. We will be using the very first sample that we have developed in first exercise and extend it work with multiple roles

Go to your BPMN process right click on the HelloWorldProcess pane and add role

In the opened window press new and create a new role -->give it a logical name and complete the wizard

Once you will complete the wizard you can see a new role in the page

Now just drag the Writefile and end activity on the Approver role

Now go to your application navigator

Right click on Organization and say open

Once it comes up select the approver role and assign a user to it from your realm

Save all the changes and redeploy your project to the server.

Log in to your BPM workflow page with jcooper as user

Go to your application and initiate your process with some sample input and reassign it to Jstein user

this process will be now waiting for the Jstein user to complete the process.

Now log in to the console with jstein user and you will find the process initiated by jcooper in the list

Review the order and submit it to complete the process flow

finally go to em console and validate if the instance completed successfully

You can validate the human task flow

So this is how different roles work in BPMN.

The important point here is that there was absolutely no use of adding an additional role in the BPMN page but we have done it intentionally for our next exercise.

In this exercise we were manually assigning the task to jstein but in our next exercise we will see how the same process can be manipulated to assign the task to jstein user dynamically.

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