In this exercise we will create a custom web service using apex classes in Salesforce, expose them as web service and call them from SOa
In order to create a APEX class login to
Go to Setup Develop APEX classes
Click on New
Write a simple APEX class which just return a string “HelloWorld” as output.
global class DemoClass {
webService static string Method()
{ return 'HelloWorld' ; }
Paste the same code in the newly generated APEX class window.
Specify the name as DemoClass, paste the code and save the content.
Once the code is saved you will get an option to generate a wsdl file for this APEX class.
Click on generate WSDL and save the wsdl file to call this service.
Save the WSDL file
Now the complex part is over.
Create a BPEL process and use the enterprise WSDL to get the session id.
Using the session id call the custom WSDL that you have generate so far and get the response
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