Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ESB DT Cache is not initialized.

You are trying to deploy a esb service from the jdeveloper and you are getting this issue

ESB DT Cache is not initialized.

First of all you need to verify that all the values in esb_parameter tables are correct.IT is found in SOA_HOME\integartion\config\bin directory

next this issue may happen if the metadatarepository for the esb_dt is corrupted.

SO you can reset it

Go to the following location in command console.


you will find the reset.bat command there.

Set the SOA_HOME

just do a esbsetenv.cmd and issue the following command

ant reset.bat -DDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOSTNAME:PORT NUMBER /SID -DDB_USER=oraesb -DDB_PASSWORD=welcome1

Ensure that the CLASSPATH contain SOA_HOME/integration/esb/lib/oraesb.jar

Once it is reset run the command

ant import-params -Dparamfile=esbparam.properties -DDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/ORCL -DDB_USER=oraesb -DDB_PASSWORD=welcome to recreate the repository.

Restart the server and check the issue again.

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