Tuesday, February 23, 2010


You are Updating the ESB Metadata

following the Enterprise deployment guide

when you run the following command

ant import-params -Dparamfile=esbparam.properties -DDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/ORCL -DDB_USER=oraesb -DDB_PASSWORD=oraesb

you are getting issues like

[java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
[java] at oracle.tip.esb.install.reset.ResetRepository.importParameters(Unknown Source)
[java] at oracle.tip.esb.install.reset.ResetRepository.actionImportParams(Unknown Source)
[java] at oracle.tip.esb.install.reset.ResetRepository.main(Unknown Source)

This error occurs if your database is not up and running properly.
First verify that the listener is up and running

database is up and running.

Verify both the nodes and load balancer is up and running.

Next thing to verify is that you have to run the script in the machine where your database is installed.

So verify the name of the host and port.

Most importantly

don't forget to run the esbsetenv.bat command.

Go to SOA_HOME\integration\esb\bin directory in command console and say esbsetenv.bat

Now set your JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME



Now run the ant script you should be able to run it.

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