Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Client Agent-OWSM

Clinet Agent

Log in to owsm console


Create a new component ,Provide it some logical name and choose the component type as Client Agent

Register the service and You will get a component id as shown below

now go to the following location


You need to make following changes in there

client.home – Enter the path where the client agent configuration will be installed. It is recommended to use ORACLE_HOME for client.home.
Again one thing need to be taken care of i am using windows machine hence i have used D:\product\\OracleAS_1 as the path but it didn't install
the component id in the path because it created a directory in my d drive as "product10.1.3.1OracleAS_1"

So if you are using it take care to use backword slash to create the agent within Oracle home so you should use D:/product/

NOw open a command console and go to SOA_HOME\owsm\bin directory and do a wsmadmin installAgent as shown

AS you will run the code following folder structure will be generated


Also some library files will be generated.

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