Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Few concepts in Websphere process SErver

The architecture of websphere process server is very much like weblogic.

we have admin server in weblogic similary we have deployment manager's admin server in websphere.

We have node manager in weblogic and similarly node agent in websphere.

In the previous post we have seen that we were not able to see the start and stop button in the console.It was only displaying the server name and if we are supposed to run the server ,we need to run it through the command console.

This happened because the profile create was for application server which is a standalone installation.It is managed from its own administration console and is independent of other application server.

Consider the admin console of weblogic.
CAn we start and stop the admin server itself from console-->no similary the admin console here is not showing the start and stop button for the servers.

The correct method to configure SOA with websphere is to have a deployment manager and create a custom profile then federate it with the deployment manager.

It will allow the servers to be managed from console itself.

One more thing to keep in mind is to disable the security constraint.

for disabling it

Log in to admin console.

go to security tab

Click on secure administration,applications and infrastructure.

There within Administration Security

uncheck the

Enable administrative security

and say apply.

Then restart your server.So now the next time you will not be aksed for user id and password as you were asked earlier.

So these are the things to keep in mind.

The best approach is to INstall deployment manager.

Create a custom profile and federate that profile with the deployment manager.

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