Wednesday, March 03, 2010

No domain accessible to the user logged in when adding Xpath

You have made an entry to your xpath-functions.xml in SOA_HOME\bpel/system\config\xpath-functions.xml something like this

<function id="getStatus">
<![CDATA[The character just append a string "available" <i>demo:getStatus(string)</i>.]]>
<property id="namespace-uri">
<comment>Namespace URI for this function</comment>
<property id="namespace-prefix">
<comment>Namespace prefix for this function</comment>

You restarted the SOA suite and now when you are trying to log in to the bpel console you are getting no domain accessible error.

This is because you have not added the corresponding class files to the correct directory.

In order to make it work.

Compile the code and copy the status.class file in the following directory



Again you have to keep in mind that if you have defined some packages then you need to create a folder with that name.

As in my case


I will create a folder called BusinessProcess and paste my status.class file in this folder.

One done the changes save it and restart the server.You should now able to log in to the console.

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