ISG comprise mainly of four components
1> Integration Repository
It is the integration point of Oracle E business Suite. It is the place where user can find all the public interfaces of EBS.
2> Service Provider
It provides and consumes SOAP based web services.
3> Service Monitor
Used for monitoring request and response of incoming and outgoing services.
4> Service Invocation framework
It is the web client for any internal or external web services.
In order to utilize the feature of Integrated SOA gateway you can do the following.
Login in to ORacle EBS and go to Integrated SOA Gateway-->Integration Repository
Once you will click on the integration repository you will land up in a new page where you will have all the integration interfaces as shown below
Now go to OrderManagementSuite
Advanced Pricing and Price List
There you will get an option to expose it as WSDL
Click on generate WSDL as shown below
you might get an error like this
Service Provider Access resulted in exception 'oracle.apps.fnd.soa.util.SOAException: SystemError: Error while sending message to server. http://host:port/webservices/SOAProvider/EbizAuth?Generate=1803&soa_ticket=g83iHXbUMN_4fZuPIFYxww..' when attempting to perform 'GENERATE'. Please view Service Provider logs for more details
This is becasue you need to configure Oracle Integrated SOA Gateway in ORacle Ebiz Suite which is a one time activity.
You can follow the follow Oracle document below to configure this.
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.2 and Release 12.1.3 in a Multinode Environment.
Once you will configure this you should be able to generate the WSDL file,deploy it and grant access to test the web services