Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Domain value mapping in ESB

Let suppose you have two application and you are trying to integrate them using the Oracle ESB.Again let suppose both the application are using the same information but the value they are using to represent the same information is different.For example if first application is using Name as the value the second application is using Full_name as the value to represent the same information "employee name".

In this kind of scenario we need some kind of mapping which can associate values from one application to another.In ESB it can be done through Domain value mapping.In this exercise we will see how to create a DVM and use it.

We will see it step by step

1>Create a domain value map.

Log in to ESB console


Now on the right hand top side click on the map .

Now domain map page will come just click on create a new map and name it as per your requirement.

Now once the map comes it is easy to add columns,rows and values.It is for you to design your own map.You have to double click on every item to change its values.I created a simple DVM like this.

Now you can use this DVM in your transformation where in two different end point might be using two different notations for pointing to the same data.

In the transformation activity you can drag and drop an assign activity and then choose the parameters as per your requirement.

A simple illustration is

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