Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dynamic validate activity in OSB 12c

There was an option to validate the payload in OSB 11c but it was static,however from 12c there is a new feature included in the OSB validation activity that is validating the data dynamically.This will allow the user to validate the input data or other data dynamically based on certain condition. Thus the process can be stopped at the beginning itself the the data validation goes wrong. You have the option to save the validation result or raise an error.

In order to use dynamic validation drag and drop a validation activity in the pipeline of your process

Now you can select the option to dynamically validate the instance as shown below


Paulo Ferreira said...

I'm trying to design dynamic validation without success. Could you share the content of the variable $temp please?

Mikku said...

You can specify the schema against which you wanted to validate the payload. If you select the static option it ideally either goes directly to schema file or via WSDL to schema file i.e. the validation always happens against the schema. So you can specify the schema in your temp variable to validate the data. Let me know if this help as i don't have the process as of now. If this doesn't help let me know and i will create a process and update you more details on the same.

Anonymous said...

Yes please post an example.