FND DEBUG LOG is a standard feature provided by Oracle to point out the root casue of error in Standard oracle code. It allows the debug messages to be stored in a centralized table called FND_LOG_MESSAGES. It is a centralized table as for all king of technology whether it be report,forms,pl/sql or java concurrent program the debug message gets stored in FND_LOG_MESSAGES.
In order to get the log messages from Oracle applications we can do the following
System Administrator-->Profile-->System
Now in the Find System Profile Values page
Select User and provide value as SYSADMIN
Again in the profile
provide value as FND%DEBUG%
Click on find
In the System profile values page put in the values as shown in the diagram below
Save the changes
Now navigate to the following page
System Administrator-->Oracle Application Manager-->Logs
Now select the start and end date, you can also select for other combination of data and search for the errors.
You can also search out for the logs directly in the backend table
select * from fnd_log_messages
For a concurrent program you can use the concurrent program request id to for REQUEST_ID parameter in the table and search for exact details on the error.
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