SOA Suite, SOA Suite , SOA Suite are patch set.
Applying MLR on top of patch set means applying bug fixes for some issue.
Each MLR contains almost more than 20 bug fixes.
That is why it is always recommended to be on the latest release because it will always provide you bug fixes for many issues.
so if any one want to start i would recommend to use the latest version.
There are few things to note that
it is recommended to have the version of jdeveloper and SOA Suite in sync i.e if you are using version of SOA Suite then you must be using version of jdeveloper also.
Regarding application of MLR
A lot of issues are faced while applying MLR however it can be removed if you will follow all the pre and post installation steps and keep in mind few things.
So the first important thing to keep in mind is
When ever you download a MLAR from metalink ,never extract in a folder which has blank space
e.g if you will extrace the Patch in a folder like "Latest MLR" the opatch will not work.
YOu should extract it in a folder which has no blank space in between so you can use either of the two option
LatestMLR or Latest_MLR
The next important thing to keep in mind is the version of opatch.
YOu might often get some error like
Opatch_java_error=Opatch Exception While Trying To Check For Mini Patchset
This occurs if you don't have the right version of the opatch.
so once you will apply MLR you migh get some error like this and it will point you to a document 224346.1 which can be accessed via metalink.
So follow the document and use the Opatch accordingly.
So if you fulfill these condition you are good to go.
now we will see how to apply MLR
First of all we will download the MLR in a folder and extract.
then in the command console we will move up to the MLR number
The patches are generic but you need to change the platform id in
following file
platform id
By default it is set to 0 ,you need to change it according to your Platform id
Let suppose if i have downloaded MLR#7 then in the command window i will navigate to MLR number like this.

The next step is to set the oracle home and set the oracle Path.
If you are using windows then the commands will be like
set ORACLE_HOME=Path to SOA home
SOA_home is the path up to the directory where opmn folder exists
and if using Linux it will be like this
export ORACLE_HOME=Path to SOA home
I have done it diffently and have given the whole path to OPatch.YOu can do it as per your wish
Once completed the path set up you have to do Opatch lsinventory in order to check if the inventory is good or not to apply MLR.

Please make sure that you are not giving semicolon after setting oracle_home
if you will use semicolon after setting oracle home it will not work
you have to do it exactly as shown in the diagram.
so we will rum opatch lsinventory.
It will give you the details of which OPatch version the installation is currently using and whether Opatch succedded completly or not.

so once opatch lsinventory works fine you are good to go ahead and apply the patch so go ahead and use the command
opatch apply

So now i believe you can go ahead with this because it will only ask you to type yes Y
once done your opatch is applied.
Thats the overall process of applying patch.
There are more issue in opatch but may be i will cover it later.For the time being keep applying patches. ;)
Just one important point about bundle patch set
All MLR also include previous Bundle Patches , so you only need to apply the latest MLR on top of the main AS Patch Set or any previous MLR.the OC4J version is so don't confuse you can apply any MLR on top of is not necessary to apply bundle patch set and then apply any MLR.
If you want to rollback MLR you can use command
opatch rollback -id patch number.
Yes do follow the readme for pre and post installation task for any MLR
Hi Arpit,
I am tryig to install SOA suite and trying to apply patch MLR8, but I'm not able to set ORACLE_HOME or for that matter could not able to set anything on this server, please could you help me to come out of this problem
I got below error, while using opatch Isinventory command:
D:\8372150>opatch Isinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..
We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com
No command given.
Usage: opatch [ -h[elp] ] [ -r[eport] ] [ command ]
command := apply
:= -help Displays the help message for the command.
-report Print the actions without executing.
ERROR: Problem with parsing the opatch command.
OPatch returns with error code = 130
I am installing the SOA suite in remote server
please help...
Hi Dharaj,
Few things what is the version of database you are using?
It should be 9.2+
Ensure that you have OPatch folder in your remote server
It should be located in SOA_HOME.
SOA_HOME is the directory where you have your opmn and j2ee folders.
Enusre that you are applying the patch on SOA not on database as their are some realted issue in database you can check the followin forum list.
AS you told you are not able to set the ORACLE_HOME what do you mean by it.
Here ORACLE_HOME should point to the SOA_HOME and not the home for database.
please check if u have downloaded some other opatch version it will conflict with the opatch in ur soa suite and result in an error..and regarding setting ORACLE_HOME Arpit is right ..u need to do the whole thing on the remote server and point the Oracle_Home to soa suite and not the DB..
There is obviously a bundle to realize about this. I feel
you made some good points in features also.
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