Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Throttling in Oracle SErvice Bus

We often find issues that threads are getting stuck in OSB or the performance is extremely slow.This kind of issue generally happens because a particular service is called so many times that it gets throttled with the incoming request and which causes either to stuck thread or slow performance.

This issue can be resolved by two approaches.

1>Setting up the Throttling parameters from sb console.

In order to do that,just select your business service.

Go to Operational Settings and Enable Throttling

Now we have three parameters over here

1>Maximum Concurrency-It defines the limit to the number of concurrent request that can comes to a particular web service.

2>Throttling Queue-It is used to contain the requests messages that has exceeded the message concurrency limit.That is if you have set maximum concurrency to 5 then 5 message will be passed on to the webservice in a stretch and if another 2 request will come they will stay in Throttling queue which works in FIFO mode.

3>Message Expiration-It Specify the maximum time in milliseconds for a request to expire in Throttling Queue.

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