Sunday, February 13, 2011

HTTP Analyzer in Jdeveloper 11g

HTTP Analyzer is a testing tool for web services. When you use the HTTP analyzer to test a web services it is compiled and deployed to the integrated server and then a gui comes up to test the web service.It is same as that of 10g Http Analyzer but now you can define rules in 11g http analyzer.

to start working with http analyzer ,first of all Open you jdeveloper

and go to tools-->Preferences and then in the left hand side choose

Web browser and proxy.

Ensure that no proxy has been configured so your gui should look something like this

Now say ok and again go to tools and click on http analyzer this will cause a gui to come up like this in your jdeveloper

Now in order to check its functionality i just have created a simple bpel process

where in i am assigning input variable to output variable,I have already deployed

it to my local server also.

Now you have two ways to test your web service

1>Xxpand your process and select the wsdl service created and right click on it

and choose test web service,it will automatically come up with a test page from

http analyzer.

A test page will come up like this as shown below where in you can get detailed information about the web service,history and other important details.

Now you can use this test page to send request and receive output as shown

You can also test the web service by clicking on a new request as shown above and then provide the wsdl url which will fetch you the similar result.

HTTP analyzer can be used a testing tool and works in similar concept as that of tcp tunneling.

Further if you will look in to the Jdeveloper bottom then next to HTTP analyzer we have http Analyzer Instances.

here you can see the default listener port is set as 8099 and some pass through ,By default integrated server runs on 8099 port and there is by default a pass through http://localhost:631

You can change and add your own subscription rule as shown in figure,the things which you need to take care of is that the new rule should come before the default pass through.

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