Thursday, June 02, 2011

List files in File Adapter SOA Suite 11g

Its a new feature included in SOA suite 11g it was not there in SOA suite 10g

Oracle File listing concept in file adapter is documented here

It is used to list a number of files.

This will be more clear with a example.

Just like synchronous read it is an outbound operation and you need to invoke it to get the data out of it.

The retrun document will contain an xml file which will contains the details of all the files in the folder which is configured.Lets see an example to make it more clear.

My bpel process will look something like this

In the file filtering i have specified a wild card character *.txt.

Now i will test this application by copying two files in the location which is configured.

ankit.txt and nitin.txt

Will invoke the test and check what is the output i receive

you can see the output that in an xml document it list down the file name and other fields


Unknown said...


I am following the same step, but in output file size is "0" even if in FTP location 7 to 8 text files are there.

Could you please share the same code so that i can check this from my side.

Girish Thakur

Unknown said...


I followed the same step which are mentioned above. But in output in File size, i am getting "0" even if in FTP location there are 7-8 text files are there.

Could you please provide me the same code so that i will check this from my side.

Girish Thakur

Mikku said...

Check for your file naming convention , I have to read only text file hence i have given a wild character *.txt.

If you are having different file or want to make it generic use *.* for file name pattern

raki said...

What is lastmodified time and creation time ... Like .... Is it in milliseconds or any other ..... How can i convert to date and time in minutes