Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Now we will seee how to install oracle service registry (osr)

A ORALCE service registry is an online directory enabling service providers to
advertise their offerings and allowing service consumers to find services that match
their criteria. We will see how to install oracle service registry.

First of all you need to have a database and a application server instance to configure your ORACLE service registry.

I believe you have a database up and running and an application server running at your end.DAtabase and application server should be up and running.

Now you first need to download the installalable for the osr and extract it.

Once extracted you will get a oracle-service-registry-10.3.jar file.

Navigate up to one previous folder in command console.

and use the following command to start the install

java -jar oracle-service-registry-10.3.jar

Once you will say enter it will open a gui with the folowing screen.

Say next and choose standalone registry.

Provide the directory where you wanted to install service registry and say next

YOu need not configure the smtp so you can leave this page as blank and say next

configure the administration account.

By defulat the administator user in admin provide your own password and say next

create a new tablesapce in the database by choosing the first option.

choose the type of database you are using.I am using oracle 10g so i will be choosing the first option,

Provide the details for the database.In the existing database name you should provide the SID.In my case it is uddi,generally it it orcl.Provide the database administrator password confirm it and say next.

let the next page be untouched and say next.

NOw point the ojdbc14.jar in the driver path.It will be in

ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib directory where ORACLE_HOME is your database home.

Keep datbase as authentication provider only and say next

Choose your application Server version.I am using so i will choose 10.1.3 as option

Verify the port number in which your application server is running.By default it is 80.Let the other fileds be untouched.

Provide the oracle_home for the SOA Suite i.e the directory where in you have installed SOA Suite.provide the password also .Verify the oracle administrator(oc4jadmin by default)

Now verify all the details provided by you earlier and say next.It will start installing the application.

Wait until it completes

Once completed say next and finish.

So you are done with the installation.

Now you need to provide some memory to run this application.

SO go to your SOA_HOME\opmn/conf\opmn.xml

Go to ias-component id="OC4J"

Within category id="start-parameters"

Provide the following details

data id="java-options" value="-server -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx1024m

savve the changes and restart the server.Now you are ready to work with Oracle registry.

The console page can be opened at following link
Oracle Service Registry console.


Business Service Control console.


YOu might receive the following error while logging in to the service registry console

Error number: 10500
Error code: E_fatalError
Message: (19001) Initialization of security has failed. For help please contact the administrator of the registry.

This happens because you have not done the post installation configuration.

GO to SOA_HOME\opmn\cnfg\opmn.xml

for the ias-component id="default_group"

process-type id="home" module-id="OC4J" status="enabled"

Change the start parameter as

data id="java-options" value="-server -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx1024m -Doc4j.userThreads=true$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=true

save the changes and restart the SOA Server.Now you will be able to log in to the serice registry console.

If in any case you are not able to complete the installation and need to run the installer again.Then before starting the installer u need to drop the uddi user and drop the uddiname tablespace.

It can be done by following command.

Log in to sql plus as sys

drop user uddiuser cascade;

drop tablespace uddinode including contents and datafiles;

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