In the previous two exercises we saw how we can create a default portal page and add custom pages to it from the run time portal page. In this exercise we will see how we can add pages at design time from jdeveloper and add navigation rule to them.
Go to Jdeveloper project
Go to pages folder and create a new page
Name is as Hello World as shown below
Drag and drop an output text component and write some logical lines to it.
Add one more page to it as shown below and put some output text in here.
Again put and output text and write some comment to it, SAve all the changes.
Now go to the pagehierarcy -->pages and then select the homepages.xml
This is the place where you can defined the hierarchy of your page.
By default it is a root where you have the Home page.
Now drag and drop your HelloWorld page into the Root folder
Then drag and drop the HelloArpit page to the HelloWorld so that your application will appear with the following hierarchy.
Deploy your code to integrated server and observer the page, you will find an entry for the HelloWorld and when you will put your moust over it you will get the other page HelloArpit as a sub page to it.
You can click on the respective page you wanted to navigate to the page
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