Monday, January 11, 2010

Creating a Simple POJO file from database table-Use of JAVA persistence API

Go to jdeveloper application navigator select the application server and right click new application.

Provide some logical name to the application,provide some package name and in the application template choose web application as shown below and say ok.

Now if you will see two folders are created wihitn the application

Now select model and right click on new

the following window will come up

Now select EJB in the left hand panel and Entities from tables in right hand panel and say ok.Again the following screen will come up

say next and choose the database schema you have created.

Say next and following screen will come up there in click on query

It will show the arpit table

Choose the arpit table and move it to the right side by clicking on the right arrow button and say next find out the following screen next

say next

say next and say finish

Now you can find that a entity bean is created along with the deployment descriptor persistence.xml

AS you can see in the code all the variable that are there in the table arpit has been already included along with the getter and setter methods.

You can also find the following in the program

@NamedQuery(name = "Arpit1.findAll", query = "select o from Arpit1 o")
@Table(name = "ARPIT")

This is the new feature in java called as annotation.Which allows to persist the data in the database.AS you can see in the query we are selecting an object hence all the classes has to implement the serializable interface.

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