Thursday, February 11, 2010


You are getting following exceptions in your jdeveloper while compiling a project

[Error ORABPEL-10903]: failed to read wsdl
[Description]: in "bpel.xml", Failed to read wsdl.
Error happened when reading wsdl at "http://remotehost:8888/esb/wsil/Integration/Orders/SalesOrder?wsdl", because "Failed to read wsdl file at: "http://remotehost:8888/esb/wsil/Integration/Orders/SalesOrder?wsdl", caused by: : remotehost: remotehost".
Make sure wsdl exists at that URL and is valid.

this happens because you are trying to access a WSDL file that is deployed in some remote server.In order to resolve this issue.Please insted of referring to the WSDL at the server, refer to your local copy in your JDeveloper project location.

i.e. if you have the wsdl file in yu local machine replace the server location with the local machine path.

so if i have my SalesOrder.wsdl file located at C:\wsdl\SalesOrder.wsdl

then i will be replacing the entry


with the following entry


Or if this does not work then you need to copy paste the wsdl file within the BPEL folder of the projet and then instead of the whole path you just need to specify the wsdl file name so the entry in that case would be "SalesOrder.wsdl"

Once you have done these changes rebuilt your project and you will be able to compile it successfully.

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